Noise is a catalyst for Deviations

This Post is specifically in response to a query from a blog reader Pankaj.

He raises a very vital concern, that during the end of Financial Year, we all get numerous calls, from so many so called Intellectual People. in their own self acclaimed world, to buy this & that product  (Guaranteed Money Back Plans, Invest this much amount monthly, for these many years & get this much of Pension after your Retirement. & likewise N number of suggestions, pouring from all hook & corner).

It is but obvious, under these influence, bias definitely crops up & we end up in totally committing a mistake, in moving stupendously, in a wrong direction, of where we exactly wanted to land up.

Noise & Ignorance go hand in hand. It is our own Ignorance, being so much educated & doing wonderful & awesome jobs at our workplaces. We are not able to make a correct choice. It is we, who have to filter that noise, with out intellect.

As rightly said by Martin Luther : ”Nothing in all the world is more dangerous, than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”

In consensus to it, William Shakespeare also points out wisely: ”Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven”

What a Fact!!!

What a Fact!!!

We should not listen blindly to anybody & it is our duty to safeguard our own hard earned money, with our little effort to attain that knowledge, so that we should not end up, in not only committing mistakes, but repeatedly… We will totally deviate from our aligned path.

If we are on a Journey & we are lost somewhere in the middle, it is better to ask somebody, but it is we only, who have to use our brain, search for Signboards, as in the herd or crowd of those, whom we ask the path, some will say go straight, others would recommend to go left & remaining may be suggesting to take a right.

Will this not eventually be an invite for trouble for us??? 

Are we going to reach our destination?

Now it is the time to wake up & without any further delay.

Let’s use our collective wisdom & develop a habit, to make ourselves equipped, with at least minimal cognizance, to protect our own Interests & wealth…

Those who ride themselves are the winners….Those give steering to others & take a back seat, definitely end up in paying a price, for not being focused. 

I too have went through this pain & I would not be doing Justice with my readers, if I am reluctant to admit… But what I want my avid readers, is to learn from the mistakes of others & learn from those.

It’s not wise to measure the depth of the well, by diving in to it, when you already know that somebody unknowingly, went through that pain.

Hope this helps…

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