Back with a Bang!!!

Actions speak louder than words.

Silence & Exile are over for this wonderful group of people now.

We are back with a bang, with totally professional, renovated & re-structured version of PlanUrMoney which is a platform to help others in attaining Financial Independence in their respective personal lives by reducing their Liabilities & Increasing their Assets & in turn Net Worth.

This is a Journey which we started around 2011, when we started a blog, to address various generic Personal Finance related stuff.

Now over the course of time, we have attained a real time practical experience & strategic approach for sharing our knowledge with others by addressing their each & every small query which holds even slightest of the space in their memory.

We are here to help you out. Please feel free to post any query of ur’s related to Personal Finance & we will try to answer it for you, with best of our capabilities.

2nd Innings & a Comeback

Off Late, I have been too busy in my own world for couple of years now, establishing myself professionally & attaining good & rich knowledge in the field of Personal Finance.

What I could summarize  here or put it as a gist of the fact is:  During these years, I have felt that the Financial Terms which seems to be a bit boring or a kind of virtual syndrome, which everyone tries to escape from, in their early years of Earnings from their respective Jobs or Businesses, seem to be as inevitable mistakes, which are realized in our 30’s & 40’s, but we have got very late to board the bus of disciplined Financial Planning.

At early years  of our Earnings, we are just like Rajdhani’s & Shatabdi’s to carry out our journey of life & Financial Independence being the ultimate destination & speed in the form of regular & systematic investing would definitely give us an edge in the form of staring early from the Source (Our 1st Income).Compounding will act as a catalyst to fuel our Independence in terms of our money working for us rather than we working for money as always, ignoring all other aspects of life, including the things we love to do, hobbies & passion.

That is how, I have made a comeback with my 2nd Innings, to help others, with my enriched experience & better familiarity with the subject in context, after dwelling deep in to the ocean, overcoming the various pitfalls of Investment Strategies/Philosophies & Portfolio Management & let others not fall in to the trap themselves & go through that rigorous pain of introspection of starting too late or even too early, but with wrong asset classes or ideology towards saving a % of their hard earned money.

Feel free to reach me with any topic or insights you are looking forward to be discussed & I would be more than happy, if I could be of any help,


Bharat Sahni